Values Education - Class III Resources

The following list of online resources are provided as a sample of curated resources. New resources shall be added as we come across interesting and relevant online materials.

1. Human Life

Description: The moral stories in the book highlight the value practices of honesty, care and obedience.

Core Concepts: Love, care, respect, obedience, kindness, honesty, sense of belonging, and social bond


Description: The moral stories in the book highlight on the value practices of care, obedience and responsibility

Core Concepts: Care, Obedience, Responsibility


Description: The book contains samples recording individual actions and its impact on promotion of respect and healthy family relationships

Core Concepts: The book contains samples recording individual actions and its impact on promotion of respect and healthy family relationships


Description: The link provides samples on the observation and recordings of students’ practices of care, respect, obedience, kindness, honesty, social bond

Core Concepts: Reinforcement of values practices in students, Care, Respect, Obedience, Honesty, Helpfulness


Description: The book provides samples of assessment tools to assess the practices of respect and responsibility.

Core Concepts: Assessing and promoting respect and responsibilities


2. Nature and environment

Description: The videos and posters focuses on students displaying responsible actions and consumption choices in their daily lives

Core Concepts: Responsible and right consumption choices for healthy and sustainable life.


Description: The video promotes skills and importance of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle of waste to enjoy a better life

Core Concepts: Waste management to protect pollution

Link: Video on reduce, reuse and recycle

Description: The video song is on Going Green for learning how to go green and reduce, reuse and recycle.

Core Concepts: Measures to control pollution and to protect natural environment

Link: Video on going green song

Description: The link contains stories and Bedtime Moral stories for understanding of clean home, living norms and waste

Core Concepts: Waste disposal, Clean home

Link: Website on free worksheet

3. Country

Description: The book contains sample moral stories highlighting the importance of basic rules of responsibility in the school and at home.

Core Concepts: Responsibility, Self-discipline


Description: The book provides sample of designing norms in the classroom for becoming responsible individuals.

Core Concepts: Norms and responsibility

