Physics - Class XI Resources

The following list of online resources are provided as a sample of curated resources. New resources shall be added as we come across interesting and relevant online materials.

1. Rest And Motion, Position And Path Length Of An Object

Description: Explanation of rest, motion, position, and path length of an object. 

Core Concepts: Rest, motion, and position. 


2. Position, velocity and acceleration

Description: Explanations on position, velocity and acceleration.

Core Concepts: Position, velocity and acceleration.


3. Graphical analysis of velocity and acceleration

Description: Explanation on graphical analysis of displacement-time relation and velocity-time relation.

Core Concepts: Instantaneous Velocity: displacement-time relation and velocity-time relation.


4. Kinematic Equations of Motion

Description: Explanation on derivation of kinematic equations.

Core Concepts: Kinematic equations: Equations of motion.


5. Addition and subtraction of vectors

Description: Explanation on process to determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.

Core Concepts: Vectors: magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.


7. Newton's first law of motion

Description: Explanation based on Newton’s First Law of Motion.

Core Concepts: Newton’s Laws of Motion: First Law


  • Video on Newton's first law of motion
  • Video on inertia
  • Worksheet on Newton's first law of motion
  • Web page on Newton's first law
  • 8. Newton’s Second Law of Motion

    Description: Explanation of Newton’s Second law of motion.

    Core Concepts: Newton’s laws of motion: Second law. 


    9. Newton’s Third Law of Motion

    Description: Explanation of Newton’s Third law of motion.

    Core Concepts: Newton’s Laws of Motion: Third law. 


    10. Conservation of momentum

    Description:  Concept of conservation of momentum deduce though simulation.

    Core Concepts: Conservation of momentum and to calculate conservation of momentum


    11. Rotational motion

    Description: Explanation on the concept of rotational motion and centripetal acceleration.

    Core Concepts: Circular motion: Rotational motion and centripetal acceleration.


    12. Demonstration of Circular motion 

    Description: Demonstration of circular motion using centripetal force apparatus. 

    Core Concepts: Circular motion: Centripetal force apparatus.


    13. Elastic behaviour of solids and Types of Stress and Strain

    Description: Explanation of elastic behaviour of solids and types of stress and strain.

    Core Concepts: Elastic behavior of solids: elastic behaviour of solids, types of stress and strain and strain curve.


    14. Hooke's Law

    Description: Explanation to verify Hooke’s law law through simulation.

    Core Concepts: Hooke's Law and derivation of restoring force.


    15. work done by the spring force

    Description: Explanation on work done by the spring force.

    Core Concepts: Derivation of work done by a spring force.


    16. Tensile test and Young's Modulus

    Description: Explanation on how to calculate the strength of steel.

    Core Concepts: Elastic behavior of solids: Tensile test.


    17. Gravitational force 

    Description: Explanations of  gravitational force and work done.

    Core Concepts: Work: Gravitational force.


    18. Potential energy due to gravity

    Description: Determination of potential energy due to gravity.

    Core Concepts: Work: Potential energy due to gravity.


    19. Conservation of mechanical energy (Kinetic and Potential Energy)

    Description: Explanation on conservation of mechanical energy.

    Core Concepts: Conservation of mechanical energy.


    20. First law of thermodynamics

    Description: Explanation to prove the first law of thermodynamic through simulation.

    Core Concepts: Heat, Internal Energy and Work : First Law of Thermodynamic.


    21. Magnetic field and force

    Description: Explanation of magnetic force and magnetic field.

    Core Concepts: Magnetic force and field.


    23. Lorentz force

    Description: Explanation about  Lorentz force.

    Core Concepts: Magnetic force and field: Lorentz force.


    24. Magnetic flux

    Description: Description of magnetic flux based on the different orientation of the surfaces.

    Core Concepts: Magnetic flux.


    25. Helical motion of charged particles

    Description: Explanation on helical motion of charged particles in a uniform magnetic field.

    Core Concepts: Motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field.


    26. Resistivity of various Materials

    Description: Resistivity of various materials and mathematical expression.

    Core Concepts: Resistivity, mathematical expression and relationship between resistance and resistivity.


    27. Resistors - Color coding

    Description: Definition of resistors and color coding for identification of resistors. 

    Core Concepts: resistors and color coding of resistors


    28. Electrical Energy and Power

    Description: Definition of electrical energy, power and calculation of electricity bill.

    Core Concepts: electrical energy and electrical power


    30. Combination of resistors in series

    Description: Calculation of effective resistance by connecting the resistors in different ways.

    Core Concepts: Series combination of resistors


    31. Combination of resistance in parallel

    Description: Understanding the concept of parallel combination and calculation of effective resistance.

    Core Concepts: Parallel combination and calculation of effective resistance.


    32. Snell’s Law

    Description: Description of  bending of the light when traveling through the different media.

    Core Concepts: Snell's law.


    33. Total internal reflection

    Description: Comprehension of total internal reflection and its application.

    Core Concepts: Total internal reflection and its application


    34. Construction of Optical fibre

    Description: Construction of optical fibre, acceptance angle, and application of optical fibre.

    Core Concepts: Construction of optical fibre and its application


    35. Concave Mirror

    Description: Concave mirror, radius of curvature, and focal length.

    Core Concepts: Spherometer, least count of spherometer.


    36. Propagation of waves

    Description: Introduction of electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves 

    Core Concepts: EM waves, mechanical waves


    37. Longitudinal and transverse wave

    Description: Observation of the proportional relationships amongst variables (wavelength, frequency, velocity, displacement, amplitude, period).

    Core Concepts: Characteristics of transverse and longitudinal waves.


    38.  Electromagnetic waves

    Description: Description of EM waves, properties, applications in modern communication systems and production of electromagnetic waves (Hertz’s experiment).

    Core Concepts: Electromagnetic waves, its applications in communication, and elements of a communication system. 


    39. Wave Equation

    Description: Description of  wave equation.

    Core Concepts: Progressive wave: wave equation


    40. Mobile Phone communication

    Description: Explanation on working of mobile phones in transferring the information.

    Core Concepts: Electromagnetic waves: Mobile phone communication


    41. Analogue Signal and Digital Signal

    Description: Differences  between Analogue Signal and Digital Signal.

    Core Concepts: Analogue Signal and Digital Signal.


    42. sampling theorem

    Description: Explanation on reconstruction of analogue signal.

    Core Concepts: Analogue Signal and Digital Signal: Sampling theorem.


    43. EM waves: polarization

    Description: Explanation on concept of polarization.

    Core Concepts: Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves, intensity vs graph position.


    45. Radioactivity (Isotopes)

    Description: Explanation about radioactivity and Isotopes: balanced and unbalanced atoms.

    Core Concepts: Radioactivity: Isotopes.


    46. Radioactive Decay, Decay equations and applications.

    Description:  Expression of radioactive decay equations and exploring applications of radioactivity. 

    Core Concepts: Decay equations, applications of radioactivity and safety precautions. 


    47. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

    Description: Explanation on Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.

    Core Concepts: Universal Law of Gravitation.


    48. Gravity and orbital Mechanics

    Description: Explanation on gravity and orbit mechanics

    Core Concepts: Universal Law of gravitation, orbital velocity and centrifugal force. 


    49. Satellite

    Description: Explanation on different types of satellite and their applications.

    Core Concepts: Satellites.


  • Video on types of satellite 
  • Video on types of artificial satellite and their applications
  • Quiz on satellites
  • Simulation related to revolution of satellites around the earth
  • 50. Satellite and communication

    Description: Explanation of communication with the help of satellite.

    Core Concepts: Space Technology Applications.


    51. Satellite and Earth observation

    Description: Explains how Satellite observes Earth.

    Core Concepts: Space Technology Applications.


    52. Remote sensing

    Description: Explanation on remote sensing performed by satellite.

    Core Concepts: Space Technology Applications.


    53. Satellite and Disaster

    Description: Explanation on use of satellite for natural disaster in Japan.

    Core Concepts: Space Technology Applications.


    54. Satellite and weather 

    Description: Explanation on use  of satellite to monitor weather.

    Core Concepts: Space Technology Applications.


    55. Satellite and planet’s Health 

    Description: Explanation on how satellites help monitor Earth’s health.

    Core Concepts: Space Technology Applications.


    56. Satellite and navigation 

    Description: Explanation on how satellite navigation systems work.

    Core Concepts: Space Technology Applications.


    57. Satellite and agriculture 

    Description: Explains agriculture monitoring with satellite.

    Core Concepts: Space Technology Applications.


    58. Satellite and image 

    Description: Explanation on how satellite helps to capture images and how to analyse the data.

    Core Concepts: Satellite Data Analysis.


    59. Bhutan space week 

    Description: Creating awareness about space week.

    Core Concepts: Annual space week in Bhutan (17th -21st February).


    60. NASA’s presentation about Bhutan 

    Description: Nasa’s presentation on southern Bhutan forecasting.

    Core Concepts: Satellite Data Analysis.

