Pure Mathematics - Class XII Resources

The following list of online resources are provided as a sample of curated resources. New resources shall be added as we come across interesting and relevant online materials.

1. Matrices

Description: This video contains the history of matrices.

Core Concepts: History of matrices.

Link: Video on history of matrices

Description: This web link contains the utility and scope of learning matrices.

Core Concepts: Utility and Scope of Matrix.

Link: Webpage on utility and scope of matrix

Description: This web link contains a worksheet on  addition and subtraction of matrices.

Core Concepts: Addition and subtraction of matrices.

Link: Worksheet on matrix addition and subtraction

Description: This web link contains a worksheet on matrix multiplications.

Core Concepts: Multiplication of matrices.

Link: Worksheet on Matrix multiplications

Description: This video contains the properties of matrix multiplication.

Core Concepts: Properties of matrix multiplication.

Link: Video on properties of matrix multiplication

Description: This video contains finding transpose of a matrix.

Core Concepts: Transpose of matrices.

Link: Video on transpose of matrices

Description: This video contains finding adjoints of matrices.

Core Concepts: Adjoint of Matrices.

Link: Video on adjoint of matrices

Description: This video contains finding the inverse of a 2x2 matrix.

Core Concepts: Inverse of 2x2 Matrices.

Link:  Video on finding inverse of 2x2 matrices

Description: This video contains finding an inverse of a 3x3 matrix.

Core Concepts: Inverse of 3x3 Matrices.

Link: Video on finding inverse of 3x3 matrices

Description: This web link contains a worksheet on inverse matrices.

Core Concepts: Inverse of matrices.

Link: Worksheet on finding inverse of matrices

Description: This video contains a solving system of equations using the matrix method.

Core Concepts: Solving system of equations using matrix method (Martin’s rule).

Link: Video on solving system of equations

Description: This video contains graphing equations of 3-D planes using Geogebra.

Core Concepts: Graphing equations of 3-D plane.

Link: Video on graphing 3-D planes

Description: This web link contains sample word problems.

Core Concepts: Sample question on  matrices.

Link:  Pdf of sample question

2. Complex Number

Description: This webpage contains an introduction and history of complex numbers.

Core Concepts: Introduction on complex number.

Link: Webpage on introduction of complex number

Description: These web pages contain explanations of  the utility and scope of learning complex numbers in various fields.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope on complex number.


Description: This video contains  modulus of complex numbers.

Core Concepts: Modulus of complex number.

Link: Video on modulus of complex number

Description: This video contains properties of complex numbers..

Core Concepts: Properties of modulus of complex numbers.

Link: Video on properties of complex number

Description: This video contains arguments of complex numbers.

Core Concepts: Argument of complex number.

Link: Video on argument of complex number

Description: This video contains an explanation of conversion of complex numbers from cartesian to polar form.

Core Concepts: Polar form of complex number.

Link: Video on polar form of complex number

Description: This web link contains sample questions on polar form.

Core Concepts: Sample question on polar form.

Link: Pdf on sample questions

Description: This web page contains the locus of complex numbers.

Core Concepts: Locus of  complex number.

Link: Web page on locus of complex number

Description: This video contains square roots of complex numbers.

Core Concepts: Square roots  of  complex number.

Link: Video on square root of complex number

Description: This web page contains the cube root of unity.

Core Concepts: Cube roots of unity.

Link: Web page on cube root of unity

Description: This web link contains MCQ on the polar form of complex numbers.

Core Concepts: Multiple choice questions on polar form.

Link: Web page on MCQ on polar form of complex numbers

Description: This web link contains solved examples of the locus of complex numbers.

Core Concepts: Solved examples on locus of complex number.

Link: Web page on solved example on locus of complex number

3. Combination and Permutation

Description: These web links contain history and introduction of combination and permutation.

Core Concepts: Introduction of permutation and combination.


Description: This web link contains real life applications of permutation and combination.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope of permutation and combination.

Link: Web page on real-life application of combination and permutation

Description: This video contains the fundamental principle of counting.

Core Concepts: Fundamental principle of  counting.

Link: Video on fundamental principle of counting

4. Permutation

Description: This video contains forming numbers using digits with and without repetition of digits.

Core Concepts: Formation of numbers.

Link: Video on permutation of digits

Description: This video contains arranging people.

Core Concepts: Arranging people.

Link: Video on arranging people

Description: This video contains forming words using letters..

Core Concepts: Forming words.

Link: Video on forming words

Description: This video contains a circular permutation.

Core Concepts: Circular permutation.

Link: Video on circular permutation

5. Combination

Description: This video contains combinations.

Core Concepts: Combination.

Link: Video on combination

Description: This video contains problem solving using combinations.

Core Concepts: Problem solving using combination.

Link: Video on problem solving using combination

6. Derivatives

Description: This web link contains an introduction and history of derivatives.

Core Concepts: Introduction and history of derivative.

Link: Web page on introduction and history of derivatives

Description: This web link contains the application of derivatives.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope learning derivative.

Link: Web page on utility and scope of differentiation.

Description: This video contains derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions using chain rule.

Core Concepts: Chain rule.


Description: This web link contains derivatives of composite functions.

Core Concepts: Derivative of composite function.

Link: Web page on derivative of composite function

Description: These videos contain derivatives of exponential,  inverse trigonometric functions and logarithmic differentiation.

Core Concepts: Derivative of exponential,  inverse trigonometric functions and logarithmic differentiation.


Description: This video contains differentiation by using a transformation method.

Core Concepts: Differentiation by transformation method.

Link: Video on differentiation by transformation

Description: This video contains derivatives of implicit function.

Core Concepts: Derivative of implicit  type of functions.

Link: Video on derivative of implicit function

Description: This video contains derivatives of parametric function.

Core Concepts: Derivative of parametric function.

Link: Video on differentiation of parametric function

Description: This video contains higher order derivatives of function.

Core Concepts: Higher order derivatives functions.

Link: Video on higher order derivatives

Description: This video contains maxima, minima and point of inflection.

Core Concepts: Maxima, minima and point of inflection.

Link: Video on maxima, minima and point of inflection

Description: This video contains identifying minima, maxima and point of inflection.

Core Concepts: Identifying maxima, minima and point of inflection.

Link: Video on identifying minima, maxima and point of inflection

Description: These web links contain a worksheet on differentiation of exponential and logarithmic function.

Core Concepts: Sample questions on differentiation.


7. Integration

Description: This video contains history of integration.

Core Concepts: History of integration.

Link: Video on history of integration

Description: These videos contain real life applications of integration.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope of integration.


Description: This video contains integration of trigonometric functions.

Core Concepts: Integration of trigonometric functions.

Link: Video on integration of trigonometric function

Description: This video contains problem solving on integration using the substitution method.

Core Concepts: Integration by substitution method.

Link: Video on integration using substitution method

Description: This video contains integration of exponential functions using the substitution method.

Core Concepts: Integration of exponential function using substitution method.

Link: Video on integration of exponential function using substitution method

Description: This video contains problem solving on integration of  trig function using the integration by parts.

Core Concepts: Integration by parts.

Link: Video on integration by parts

Description: This PPT and video contain integration using partial fraction.

Core Concepts: Integration by partial fraction methods.


8. Definite Integral

Description: This web link contains concepts on definite integrals.

Core Concepts: Concepts on definite integral.

Link: Web page on definite integral

Description: This video contains evaluating integration as a limit of sum.

Core Concepts: Definite integral as limit of sum.

Link: Video on definite integral as limit of sum

Description: This video contains a geometrical interpretation of definite integral.

Core Concepts: Geometrical interpretation of definite integral.

Link: Video on geometrical interpretation of definite integral

Description: This video contains properties of definite integral.

Core Concepts: Properties of definite integral.

Link: Video on properties of definite integral

Description: This video contains area bounded between curve and axes.

Core Concepts: Area under the curve.


Description: This video explains finding the area between two curves.

Core Concepts: Area between two curves.

Link: Video on area between two curves

Description: This web link contains practice questions on areas bounded by curves.

Core Concepts: Practice questions on area bounded by curves.

Link: Web page on practice questions on area bounded by curve

Description: This web link contains sketching curves using GeoGebra.

Core Concepts: Sketching curves using GeoGebra.

Link: Web page on sketching graph using GeoGebra

Description: This web link contains an animation of the solid of revolution using GeoGebra.

Core Concepts: Volume of solid of revolution by using GeoGebra.

Link: Web page on solid of revolution

Description: These videos contain finding the volume of revolution of a region between curve and axes.

Core Concepts: Volume of revolution of region between curve and axes.


Description: This video contains finding the volume of solid of revolution of the region between two curves.

Core Concepts: Volume of solid of revolution of region between two curves.

Link: Video on volume of revolution of region between two curves

Description: This web link contains the formation of cones by a revolving line.

Core Concepts: Revolving line using GeoGebra.

Link: Web page on revolving line using GeoGebra

Description: This web link contains solved examples on volume of the solid of revolution.

Core Concepts: Solved examples on volume of solid of revolution.

Link: Web page on solved examples on volume of solid of revolution

9. Differential Equation

Description: This pdf file contains the history of differential equations.

Core Concepts: History of differential equation.

Link: PDF on history of differential equations

Description: These videos contain definition and examples of order and degree of DE.

Core Concepts: Order and degree of differential equation.


Description: This video contains difference  between linear and non-linear DE.

Core Concepts: Difference between linear and non-linear DE.

Link: Video on difference between linear and nonlinear DE

Description: These videos contain solving DE using variable separable methods.

Core Concepts: Solving DE using variable separable method.


Description: This video and web link contains solving homogeneous DE.

Core Concepts: Homogeneous differential equation.


Description: This video contains solving first order linear DE using the integrating factor method.

Core Concepts: Solving first order linear DE using integrating factor method.

Link: Video on integrating factor method

10. Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Description: This web link contains an introduction of the inverse trigonometric function.

Core Concepts: Introduction of inverse trigonometric function.

Link: Web page on introduction of inverse trigonometry

Description: This web link contains applications of inverse trigonometric function.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope  on inverse trigonometric function.

Link: Web page on applications of inverse trigonometric functions

Description: This video contains the definition, domain, range and  principal value of inverse trigonometric function.

Core Concepts: Definition, domain and range of inverse trigonometric functions.

Link: Video on definition, domain and range

Description: This web link contains the principal value of the inverse trigonometric function.

Core Concepts: Principal value of inverse trigonometric function.

Link: Web page on principal value

Description: This web link contains properties of inverse trigonometric function.

Core Concepts: Properties of inverse trigonometric function.

Link: Web page on properties of inverse trigonometric functions

Description: This web link contains solved sample questions.

Core Concepts: Solved sample questions.

Link: Web page on problems and solutions

Description: This web link contains a quiz on inverse trigonometric functions.

Core Concepts: Quiz

Link: Web page on quiz on inverse trigonometric function

11. Points and their Coordinates in 3-Dimensions

Description: This web link contains history of Points and their Coordinates in 3-Dimensions.

Core Concepts: History of Points and their Coordinates in 3-Dimensions.

Link: Web page on history of 3-D coordinate

Description: This link contains applications and examples of Geometry in daily life.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope.

Link: Web page on application of 3-D Geometry

Description: This video contains an introduction of 3-D geometry.

Core Concepts: Introduction of 3-D geometry.

Link: Video on introduction of 3-D geometry

Description: This video contains a derivation  of the distance formula.

Core Concepts: Derivation of distance formula.

Link: Video on derivation of distance formula

Description: These videos contain explanations of  section formulas.

Core Concepts: Section formula.


Description: These videos contain direction cosines and ratios.

Core Concepts: Direction cosines and direction ratios.


Description: This video contains conditions of parallelism and perpendicularity of lines.

Core Concepts: Parallelism and perpendicularity of lines.

Link: Video on condition of parallelism and perpendicularity

12. Pair of Straight Lines

Description: This web link contains the history of straight lines.

Core Concepts: History of straight lines.

Link: Web page on history of straight line

Description: This web link contains an introduction of a pair of straight lines.

Core Concepts: Introduction of paris of straight lines.

Link: Web page on introduction of pair of straight lines

Description: This video and web link contains an application of a pair of straight lines.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope of pairs of straight lines.


Description: This video contains basic concepts of straight lines.

Core Concepts: Concepts of the straight lines.

Link: Video on concepts of straight lines

Description: This  web link contains a GeoGebra sheet of a pair of straight lines.

Core Concepts: Graphing calculator of general equation.

Link: GeoGebra sheet on pair of straight lines

Description: This video contains angles between lines..

Core Concepts: Angles between lines.

Link: Video on angle between pair of straight lines

Description: This video contains conditions and examples for  general second degree form to represent pair of  straight lines.

Core Concepts: Conditions for general second degree form to represent pair of  straight lines.

Link: Video conditions to check whether a general second degree equation represents a pair of straight lines

Description: This video contains equation of bisector of the angles for the general equation of the pair of straight lines.

Core Concepts: Equation of bisector.

Link: Video on equation of bisector

Description: This video contains the splitting of a pair of straight lines.

Core Concepts: Pairs of of  straight lines from second degree.

Link: Video on splitting of a pair of straight lines

Description: This web link contains problems and solutions of a pair of straight lines.

Core Concepts: Questions and solutions on pairs of straight lines.

Link:  Web page on problems with solutions

13. Conic Section

Description: This web link contains the introduction of the conic section.

Core Concepts: Introduction of conic section.

Link: Web page on history of conic section

Description: This web link and video contains applications of the conic section.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope.


Description: This web link contains a worksheet on the conic section.

Core Concepts: Conic section exercise.

Link: Worksheet on conic section

Description: This video contains the concept on the conic section and its type with examples.

Core Concepts: Concept on the conic section.

Link: Video on concepts of conic section

Description: This web link contains a GeoGebra worksheet on parabola.

Core Concepts: GeoGebra worksheet on parabola.

Link: GeoGebra worksheet on parabola

Description: This video contains parts of parabola.

Core Concepts: Parts of  parabola.

Link: Video on parts of parabola

Description: This video contains a problem on the application of parabola and focus.

Core Concepts: Parabola and focus application.

Link: Video on application of parabola

Description: This video contains the derivation of the equation of standard parabola.

Core Concepts: Equation of standard parabola.

Link: Video on standard parabola

Description: This web link contains an online parabola calculator.

Core Concepts: Parabola online calculator.

Link: Online parabola-calculator

Description: This web link contains a GeoGebra worksheet on ellipse.

Core Concepts: Properties of ellipse.

Link: GeoGebra worksheet on ellipse

Description: This web link contains a GeoGebra worksheet of  hyperbola.

Core Concepts: Properties of hyperbola.

Link: GeoGebra worksheet on hyperbola

Description: This video includes parts of an ellipse.

Core Concepts: Parts of ellipse.

Link: Video on parts of ellipse

Description: This video includes concepts on hyperbola.

Core Concepts: Concepts on hyperbola.

Link: Video on concepts of hyperbola

Description: This web link contains concepts on all types of conic sections.

Core Concepts: Concepts on conic sections.

Link: Web page on concepts of conic section

Description: This video contains an application of an ellipse in an elliptical pool table.

Core Concepts: Ellipse application.

Link: Video on ellipse application

Description: This web link contains notes on application of conic section.

Core Concepts: Application of conics.

Link: Web page on application

Description: This video contains identifying types of conic from the second degree general equation.

Core Concepts: Second degree general equation.

Link: Video on identifying conics

Description: This web link contains a GeoGebra worksheet on parabola.

Core Concepts: Parabola.

Link: GeoGebra worksheet on parabola

Description: This web link contains a GeoGebra worksheet on ellipse.

Core Concepts: Ellipse.

Link: GeoGebra worksheet on ellipse

Description: This web link contains a GeoGebra worksheet on hyperbola.

Core Concepts: Hyperbola.

Link: GeoGebra worksheet on hyperbola

Description: This video contains solving real world problems using parabola.

Core Concepts: Solving problems using parabola.

Link: Video on solving real world problem

14. Plane

Description: This web link contains an introduction on planes.

Core Concepts: Introduction.

Link: Web page on introduction of plane

Description: This web link contains real life applications of planes.

Core Concepts: Utility and Scope.

Link: Web page on application of plane

Description: This video contains the definition of plane.

Core Concepts: Definition of plane.

Link: Video on definition of plane

Description: This video contains finding the angle between two planes.

Core Concepts: Angle between two planes.

Link: Video on angle between two planes

Description: This video contains finding the angle between line and plane.

Core Concepts: Angle between line and plane.

Link: Video on finding angle between line and plane

Description: This video contains  finding the distance of a point from a plane.

Core Concepts: Distance of point from a plane.

Link: Video on distance of point from plane

Description: This video contains finding the distance between two parallel planes.

Core Concepts: Distance between two parallel planes.

Link: Video on distance between two parallel planes

Description: This video contains reducing the general equation to normal form.

Core Concepts: Reducing the general equation to normal form.

Link: Video on reduce general equation to normal form

Description: This video contains the definition and equation of the intercept form of the plane.

Core Concepts: Intercepts the form of a plane.

Link: Video on intercept form of plane

15. Correlation

Description: This web link contains an introduction and history of correlation.

Core Concepts: Introduction of correlation.

Link: Web page introduction of correlation

Description: This web link contains the application of correlation.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope.

Link: Web page on application of correlation

Description: This web link contains the value of correlation coefficient.

Core Concepts: Degree of correlation.

Link: Web page on degree of correlation coefficient

Description: This video contains finding Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

Core Concepts: Karl Pearson’s correlation.

Link: Video on finding Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient

Description: This video contains  finding Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.

Core Concepts: Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.

Link: Video on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

Description: This video contains finding Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of tied ranks.

Core Concepts: Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of tied ranks.


15. Regression

Description: These web links contain an introduction of regression.

Core Concepts: Introduction of regression.


Description: These web links contain concepts and application of regression.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope.


Description: This video contains the formation of the regression line y on x.

Core Concepts: Regression line y on x.

Link:  Video on regression y on x

16. Probability

Description: This video contains an introduction of probability.

Core Concepts: Introduction of probability.

Link: Web page on introduction of probability

Description: This web link contains an application of probability.

Core Concepts: Utility and scope.

Link:  Web page on application of probability

Description: This video contains the concept of addition rule with examples.

Core Concepts: Addition rule.

Link: Video on addition rule

Description: This video contains the concept of multiplication rule with examples.

Core Concepts: Multiplication rule.

Link: Video on multiplication rule

Description: This web link contains problem solving using both addition and multiplication rule..

Core Concepts: Addition and multiplication rule.

Link: Web page on addition and multiplication rule

Description: This video contains calculating probability through the concepts of permutation and combination.

Core Concepts: Probability using permutation and combination.


Description: These videos contains examples on calculating probability using permutation.

Core Concepts: Probability using permutation.


Description: These videos and web links contain methods, utility and scope of conditional probability.

Core Concepts: Conditional probability.


Description: This web link contains  notes on conditional probability with solved examples.

Core Concepts: Conditional probability.

Link: Web page on solved examples

Description: This web link contains a theorem of multiplication of dependent probability with solved examples.

Core Concepts: Dependent  probability.

Link: Web page on theorem of multiplication dependent probability

Description: This web link contains  practice questions on multiplication probability.

Core Concepts: Multiplication  probability.

Link: Web page on problems on multiplication probability
