Values Education - Class II Resources

The following list of online resources are provided as a sample of curated resources. New resources shall be added as we come across interesting and relevant online materials.

1. Human Life

Description: The student activity book contains moral stories, poems, rhymes underpinning the value of care, love, respect and honesty.

Core Concepts: Love, care, respect, obedience, honesty, sense of belonging, and social bond


Description: The given links include reinforcement samples for the identified value skills in accordance to student’s interest, acceptance and response

Core Concepts: The given links include  reinforcement samples for the identified value skills in accordance to student’s interest, acceptance and response

Link: Webpage on appreciation tree

Description: practices of Love, care, respect, obedience, honesty, sense of belonging, and social bond

Core Concepts: Respect, Obedience, Honesty, Sense of belonging


2. Nature and environment

Description: The stories in the link extends an understanding of clean home, living norms and waste disposal through the given worksheets, stories and audios.

Core Concepts: Clean home, Waste disposal


Description: The book contains pictures showing responsible actions that lead to maintaining clean surroundings

Core Concepts: Cleanliness, Responsibility


Description: The book contains assessment tools encompassing indicators of clean home, school and surrounding. Accordingly the teacher can personalize the assessment tools that make a mention of observable behaviours

Core Concepts: Sample of assessment tools to assess the value facilitation of cleanliness and responsibility.

