1. 5S
Description: Explanation on the principles of 5S.
Core Concepts: Apply the principles of 5S.
Link: Video on what is 5S?
3. workplace safety
Description: Explanation on workplace safety.
Core Concepts: Maintain workplace and personal safety.
4. safety tips
Description: Explanation on safety tips.
Core Concepts: Maintain workplace and personal safety.
5. Dos and Don’ts of hand tools
Description: Articles on do's and don’ts of hand tools.
Core Concepts: Maintain tools and equipment safety.
6. tools and equipment safety
Description: Explanations on tools and equipment safety.
Core Concepts: Maintain tools and equipment safety.
Link: Video on tools and equipment - key points for safe use
7. fire extinguisher
Description: Videos on methods to operate fire extinguisher.
Core Concepts: Use fire extinguisher.
Link: Video on how to use a fire extinguisher using the PASS method
8. welding machine
Description: Demonstration on the basic connection of arc welding machine.
Core Concepts: Perform the basic electrical connection.
9. welding machine
Description: Shows the parts of welding set up and basic connections.
Core Concepts: Setup the arc welding machine.
10. welding hazards and safety
Description: Explanation on the welding hazards and safety.
Core Concepts: Test operation of welding machine.
11. hacksaw
Description: Explanation on hacksaw and how to use it.
Core Concepts: Prepare base metal.
12. Hand Files
Description: Explanation on hand files and how to use them correctly.
Core Concepts: Prepare base metal.
13. aligning the workpiece
Description: Description on the methods of aligning the workpiece.
Core Concepts: Align the workpiece.
14. types of arc length
Description: Explanation on the types of arc length.
Core Concepts: Maintain arc length.
15. striking electric arc
Description: Explanation on the methods of a striking electric arc.
Core Concepts: Maintain arc length.
16. welding electrode
Description: Explanation on the coding of an electrode.
Core Concepts: Maintain electrode angle.
Link: Video on arc welding electrode/Stick/Rod identification system
17. weld symbol
Description: Explanation on the weld symbol.
Core Concepts: Maintain electrode angle.
18. drawing instrument
Description: Explanation on the types of drawing instrument and their uses.
Core Concepts: Use drawing instruments.
19. Layout of drawing sheet
Description: Explanation on the layout of drawing sheet.
Core Concepts: Layout of drawing sheet.
Link: Video on introduction of sheets and sheet layout engineering drawing
20. engineering signs and symbols
Description: Explanation on the engineering signs and symbols.
Core Concepts: Interpreting engineering signs, symbols and abbreviation.
21. Types of Lines
Description: Explanation on the different types of lines.
Core Concepts: Draw different types of lines.
Link: Video on types of lines
22. Types of Lines
Description: Explanation on the application of lines along with drawing.
Core Concepts: Draw different types of lines.
23. techniques of writing letters and numbers
Description: Explanation on the techniques of writing letters and numbers.
Core Concepts: Draw letters and numbers.
24. types of dimensioning and system of dimensioning
Description: Explanation on types of dimensioning and system of dimensioning.
Core Concepts: Provide dimensions.
Link: Video on placing of dimension systems in engineering drawing