1. Principle of 5S
Description: Explanation on principles of 5S.
Core Concepts: Applying the principle of 5S
Links:Video on 5S
2. Use of PPE at Work Place
Description: The video contents describes about the use of PPE and PPE at work regulation(1992).
Core Concepts: Using PPE
3. Maintaining Workplace and Personal Safety
Description: The resources given in this title contains safety tips at workplace and do's and dont's of hand tools.
Core Concepts: Maintaining workplace and personal safety
4. Using Fire Extinguisher
Description: Webpage and video links contains the information on different types of fire extinguishers and video animation on use of fire extinguisher using PASS method.
Core Concepts: Using fire extinguisher
5. Selecting Masonry Tools, Equipment and Materials
Description: Webpage and video links contains the descriptions on different masonry tools and their uses for different purposes. It also explains the tips on storage of cements
Core Concepts: Selecting masonry tools, equipment, and materials
6. Selecting Masonry Tools, Equipment and Materials
Description: Video explains the components of buildings and classification of building based on occupancy.
Core Concepts: Identifying building components and their classification.
7. Estimation and Costing
Description: Explanation on estimation and costing by by B.N Suresh..
Core Concepts: Estimating materials
8. Silt Content Test Experiment
Description: Explanation on silt content text experience.
Core Concepts: Conducting a silt content test
9. Mixing Cement and Sand, Mixing Motors
Description: Web page on mixing of sand and cement using different methods and explanation on mini and gear motor.
Core Concepts: Mixing mortar manually
10. Setting and Layout of Foundations.
Description: Web page which contains the details of types of foundation and their uses. There is also video on setting and layout for foundation.
Core Concepts: Carrying out foundation layout
11. Classification of Bricks and Testing on Bricks
Description: Web page and video which contains classification of bricks and test for comprehensive strength of concrete.
Core Concepts: Conducting compressive test for bricks
12. Demonstration in Cutting Bricks.
Description: Web page and video which contains classification of bricks and test for comprehensive strength of concrete.
Core Concepts: Cutting bricks
13. Laying Stretcher Bond
Description: Video on demonstration of stretcher bond wall arrangement.
Core Concepts: Cutting bricks
14. Drawing Instruments and Their Uses
Description: Videos on learning drawing instruments using engineering graphics and its uses.
Core Concepts: Using drawing instruments
15. Laying out Drawing Sheet
Description: Videos on introduction of sheets and sheet layout engineering drawing.
Core Concepts: Laying out drawing sheet
16. Convention of materials
Description: Video presentation on convention of materials .
Core Concepts: Interpreting engineering sign, symbols, and abbreviation
17. Type of Lines and its Uses in Engineering Drawing.
Description: Video explaining different types of lines and its applications. The video also explains types of lines used in engineering drawing.
Core Concepts: Types of line and its applications
18. Dimensioning System in Engineering Drawing.
Description: Video on placing of dimension systems in Engineering Drawing
Core Concepts: Types of line and its applications
Link: Video on placing of dimension systems in Engineering Drawing