1. Traditional Media VS New Media
Description: Traditional media VS new media: difference between traditional and new media.
Core Concepts: Key differences between traditional media and new media.
2. Evolution of Traditional media
Description: How traditional media evolved into new media over time.
Core Concepts: Traditional media.
3. Media convergence
Description: Media convergence: explanation of the concept with examples.
Core Concepts: Collaboration of media.
4. Digital media
Description: Digital media on communication: Impact of technology on communication.
Core Concepts: Digital as a new media.
5. Impact of technology in human communication
Description: Human communication: the power of technology for a new generation.
Core Concepts: Digital as a new media.
6. Orientation to New Media
Description: New media orientation: introduction to new media, new media landscape & characteristics of new media.
Core Concepts: New media world and citizenship orientation.
7. Evolution of social networking
Description: How and why social networking evolved overtime.
Core Concepts: Use of new media technologies in society.
8. Use of multimedia tools
Description: What is multimedia and definition of multimedia.
Core Concepts: Use of multimedia tools.
Link: Video on what is multimedia and definition of multimedia
9. Digital game
Description: Demo of digital game ‘Darfur is Dying’ understanding how a digital game creates awareness on global issues.
Core Concepts: Digital games for creating awareness.
10. Story board
Description: How to create a storyboard.
Core Concepts: Creating a storyboard.
Link: Video on how to make a storyboard for a video in 6 steps
11. Principles of journalism
Description: The 5 core values of journalism explained.
Core Concepts: Journalism.
12. Journalism and principles of journalism
Description: e-Learning lesson on journalism and its principles explained.
Core Concepts: Journalism and principles of journalism.
Link: Video on journalism
13. Research Ethics
Description: Ethics in research: definition & explanation of the concept.
Core Concepts: Research ethics vs media ownership.
14. Media ownership
Description: Media ownership: changes in ownership overtime.
Core Concepts: Media ownership.
Link: Video on media ownership
15. Media ownership
Description: e-Learning lesson to examine the tension between research ethics and media ownership.
Core Concepts: Tension between research ethics and media ownership.
Link: Video on journalism
16. Writing News
Description: Steps of writing news.
Core Concepts: Process of news publication.
Link: PPT on the steps of writing news
17. News Report
Description: Creating a news report: writing news.
Core Concepts: Writing news.
18. Global Economy
Description: Who owns the media?: discuss the control of media in the 21st century.
Core Concepts: Global economy and media ownership.
19. Trends in ecommerce
Description: Growing ecommerce trends for 2021.
Core Concepts: Global economy & ecommerce.
20. Mind mapping
Description: Sample rubrics for mind mapping.
Core Concepts: Mind mapping.
Link: Image on mind map rubric
21. Technological Convergence
Description: Technological convergence: meaning, definition and explanation.
Core Concepts: Technology convergence and media conglomerates.
22. Media Conglomerate
Description: Media conglomerate: meaning, definition and use of media conglomerate.
Core Concepts: Media conglomerate.
23. Technological Convergence
Description: e-Learning lesson on technological convergence and the emergence of media conglomerates
Core Concepts: Technological convergence: define and explain the concept
Link: Video on technological convergence and media conglomerates
24. National IP Policy
Description: National IP Policy; IP in Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Intellectual property rights and public domain.
25. Intellectual Property Rights
Description: Orientation to the Department of Intellectual Property of Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Department of Intellectual Property of Bhutan.
Link: Website of Department of Intellectual Property of Bhutan
26. Politics and media
Description: Impact of media on politics, its role in political debates.
Core Concepts: Political impact of media.
27. Media's impact on election
Description: How media impacts and steers the process of election.
Core Concepts: Impact of media on election.
28. Media as a linkage institution
Description: Media as a linkage institution.
Core Concepts: Media as a linkage institution.
29. Alternative Media
Description: Alternative media.
Core Concepts: Alternative media.
Link: PPT on alternative media
30. Rise of Alternative media
Description: Explain the reasons for the rise of alternative media
Core Concepts: Rise of alternative media