Mathematics PP

Mathematics - Class PP Resources

The following list of online resources are provided as a sample of curated resources. New resources shall be added as we come across interesting and relevant online materials.

1. Describing Attributes of Objects

Description: The link is about attribute of objects.

Core Concepts: Different attributes of the objects.

Link: Note on Attribute of Objects

Description: This video link helps students to get the idea of how to describe objects based on different attributes.

Core Concepts: Describing base on shape, size, color and uses.

Link: Video on describing attributes of objects

Description: Worksheets on describing objects based on its attributes. Matching objects base on its shape that are in and around us.

Core Concepts: Sorting by colors, shapes and sizes.


Description: Online game on sorting shapes by matching the colors or the shapes.

Core Concepts: Sorting objects by shapes and colors.

Link: Online Game for shapes and colors

2. Sets 

Description: A video on comparing numbers of objects using terms ‘more’, ‘less’, or ‘the same’. 

Core Concepts: concept of ‘more’, ‘less’, or ‘the same’.

Link: Video on Comparing Set

Description: This worksheet helps children sorting by circling the objects that do not belong in that group. 

Core Concepts: Sort by the term same and difference.

Link: Worksheet; odd ones out

3. Comparing Sets

Description: This video link  to watch and compare sets. 

Core Concepts: Concepts of fewer and more.

Link: Visual pictures on comparing sets

Description: Online worksheets on comparing by the term ‘fewer’, ‘more’ or ‘the same’. 

Core Concepts: Hand on practise on fewer/less, more and the same.


Description: This video link is about how to sort  objects based on attributes. 

Core Concepts: Sorting one group in different ways.

Link: Sort one group in Different Ways

4. Counting Numbers till 100

Description: The research paper for teachers’ references on basic history of the number. 

Core Concepts: Talks about how numbers originated.

Link: History of numbers and counting

Description: Video on chanting Numbers till 100 along with fitness exercise.The link is a brief introduction on numbers. 

Core Concepts: Recite numbers till 100.


Description: The video link provides counting skills in 10s( 0-10, 20-30, 30-40…) till 100. 

Core Concepts: Learn numbers in groups of 10s.

Link: Song on counting numbers in sets

5. Representing Numerals till 30

Description: The research note explains how numbers are represented by different symbols. 

Core Concepts: How numerals are represented from numbers in different ways.

Link: Note on counting numbers

Description: The video link provides some  game process for the numbers till 10. 

Core Concepts: Counting numbers till 10 in correct sequence.

Link: Game on counting till 10

Description: This worksheet gives opportunities to recognize numbers in sets and figures. This worksheet link helps children learn numbers through 10-frame. 

Core Concepts: Match numerals with its counts.


8. Writing Numerals till 30

Description: This research note gives information on how Pre- Writing can build writing skill of the learners. 

Core Concepts: Promote number- Writing Skill.

Link: Video on subtracting numbers

Description: The video link provides knowledge on how to write and represent numerals from 0-30. 

Core Concepts: Writing format for numbers  0-9. Representing numbers up-to 30.

Link: Video Representing Numbers till 30

Description: This online worksheet is to learn how to represent numbers in double Ten-Frame. 

Core Concepts: Double ten-frame to represent numbers.

Link: nline worksheets to show numbers on ten frames - up to 20

9. Addition

Description: The video explains addition as putting one more to the existing number through the number line. 

Core Concepts: Concept of one more.

Link: What is one more than a number

Description: The worksheet builds the skills on adding single digit numbers (mental calculation). 

Core Concepts: Adding numbers from 1-9.

Link: Worksheet 10; to add single digit numbers

Description: The worksheet is for addition as putting together for single digit. 

Core Concepts: Addition as putting together.

Link: Worksheet 11 addition as putting together

Description: Online worksheets to practice addition of single digit numbers, individually. 

Core Concepts: Mental addition.


Description: Online worksheet in addition by counting the pictures. 

Core Concepts: Concept of ‘and’ as altogether.

Link: online worksheet for altogether

Description: An online quiz on adding by counting the pictures. An online quiz in addition for word problems. 

Core Concepts: Adding numbers up to 9 and word problem in addition.


10. Subtraction  

Description: The video link demonstrate and explains subtraction as take away. 

Core Concepts: Subtraction as Take away.


Description: Worksheet on how to subtract by looking at the pictures. 

Core Concepts: Subtraction as Take away.

Link: Video on ordinal numbers from 1 to 10

Description: The video link demonstrate and explains subtraction as take away. 

Core Concepts: Subtraction as take away.


Description: Rhyme on subtraction. Teach subtraction as fun. 

Core Concepts: Subtraction as minus.

Link: Rhyme on subtraction

Description: Worksheet for more practise on finding the difference using 5&10-frame. 

Core Concepts: Take away.

Link: Worksheet 14;subtract using 5&10-frame

Description: The video link explains how to compare sets for subtraction. 

Core Concepts: Compare and take away.


Description: Worksheet to assess subtraction by comparing sets. 

Core Concepts: compare and find difference.

Link: Worksheet; Comparing to subtract

Description: Worksheet for subtraction word problem, finding the difference.  Practicing subtraction through a game.

Core Concepts: Find the difference.


11. Ordinal Number Till 10th  

Description: This link takes us through ordinal numbers from 1st  to 10th. 

Core Concepts: How and where ordinal numbers are used.

Link: Pdf on concept of Ordinal number

Description: This first part of the video lesson teaches the concept of Ordinal numbers and a brief introduction on ordinal numbers. 

Core Concepts: Concept of Ordinal Numbers and Writing ordinal numbers.

Link: Video on ordinal number

Description: An online worksheet on identifying the position of the pictures. 

Core Concepts: Arranging and identifying ordinal numbers till 10th.


12. Repeating Patterns  

Description: The video link highlights the concept of patterns and types of the patterns. 

Core Concepts: Concept of Pattern, Types of Pattern .


Description: The video shows how to group repeating patterns. 

Core Concepts: More on Repeating Pattern.


Description: The worksheets are to be printed to test the concept of repeated/extended  pattern.

Core Concepts: Identifying Repeated patterns and extending accordingly.


Description: Videos on sound and action based patterns. 

Core Concepts: Repeated Sound Pattern.


13. Repeated Pattern Concretely  

Description: The video link explains how repeating patterns can be created/extended. 

Core Concepts: Repeating patterns (AB, AAB, ABB, ABC).


Description: The online song to learn how to extend patterns of different attributes. 

Core Concepts: Extending/creating pattern through fun.

Link: Song; Extending Pattern for color, shape and sound

14. Comparing Length Directly and Indirectly

Description: This link provides information for teachers on measurement. 

Core Concepts: Standard and Non- Standard Measurement.

Link: Article; Introduction on Measurement

Description: The online rhyme giving concept on long and short. 

Core Concepts: Concept on ‘long’ and ‘short’.


Description: The video link explains, practice comparing various lengths directly.. 

Core Concepts: Longer and Shorter.

Link: Video lesson(Comparing length) 

Description: The online worksheet to test the understanding of the length of different objects. 

Core Concepts: Long, longer , longest/ short, shorter, shortest.

Link: Online comparing three different length

Description: The video link shows how to compare heights directly by looking at the pictures. 

Core Concepts: Measure height with the term tall, short.


Description: The video link shows how to compare using a third object and also to order length. Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly or directly by using a third.

Core Concepts: Degree of comparision ( short, shorter, shortest and long, longer, longest).


Description: The video link provides information on comparing height using the term taller than and shorter than. 

Core Concepts: Measuring height  using the term taller and shorter than.

Link: video; comparing length (height)

Description: These worksheets help learners identify tall/short objects. 

Core Concepts: Compare using the term ‘tall’ and ‘short’.


Description: The online link helps us to compare length using third objects. 

Core Concepts: Compare height and the length using third objects.


Description: The online quiz testing the understanding of the length concept. 

Core Concepts: Comparing length using the term longer, taller than.

Link: Online quiz on length

15. Comparing Capacity Directly and Indirectly

Description: The video link about comparing capacity directly. 

Core Concepts: Concept of capacity using non-standard units.


Description: online worksheet to find out which container holds less/more. Learners need to write more and less.

Core Concepts: holds more or holds less.


16. Comparing Mass Directly and Indirectly

Description: The video link demonstrates on masses of objects using the vocabs light, heavy, heavier than and lighter than. 

Core Concepts: 'Light', 'heavy', 'heavier than' and 'lighter than'.


Description: Video(song) for the concept of heavy and light showing various objects. 

Core Concepts: Heavy and light.


Description: live worksheet which has drop down with the words heavy and light. So identify the mass of the object and choose from the dropdown. 

Core Concepts: light/ heavy.

Link: Live worksheet; identify the mass of the object.

Description: video, to learn how to indirectly compare the masses of two objects by using scales or nonstandard units to compare them to a third object. 

Core Concepts: heavy, light.

Link: Video; compare mass using third object

Description: Online activity, estimate and compare heavier than or lighter objects, by looking at the picture and real life experiences. 

Core Concepts: Heavier and lighter.

Link: Online activity for heavier and lighter

Description: Online quiz on comparing mass indirectly using a third object.  Multiple choice question.

Core Concepts: Heavier and lighter.

Link: Online quiz(multiple choice question) heavier/lighter

17. Spatial Sense: Position in Space

Description: A brief article introducing  spatial sense article on the geometry figures that we can find in and around us. It also contains the game process to know more on Spatial Sense.

Core Concepts: Text to life connection.

Link: Article to introduce Spatial Sense

Description: This video is to learn different ways to describe an object’s position in space. A video on spatial awareness. The terms like top, bottom, on, under are focused on.

Core Concepts: Position of the objects around us.


18. 3-D and 2-D Shapes

Description: The song (video) relates 3-D shapes with the objects that we find around us. The text to life connection concept is given clearly. 

Core Concepts: Relate 3-D Shapes with Objects around us.

Link: 3-D Shapes Song

Description: This video highlights 2-D shapes through song. 

Core Concepts: 2-D Shapes (Names and attributes).

Link: Video introducing 2-D Shapes 

Description: 2-D figures on 3-D Shapes. This article helps teachers identify and describe flat shapes in the environment. 

Core Concepts: Extracting 2-D from 3-D Shapes.

Link: An article describing flat shapes

Description: 2-D & 3-D Shapes in the Environment. Video related to 3-D shapes that we can find in our environment. 

Core Concepts: Identifying 3-D in the environment.

Link: Video; 3-D Shapes in the Environment.

Description: Combining and Subdividing Shapes (2-D Shapes) The song teaches the attributes of 2-D Shapes through the language "What am I" 

Core Concepts: Attributes of 2-D Shapes.

Link: Song for 2-D Song

19. Data Management and Probability: Collection of Simple Data

Description: A video on how to collect simple data (Kids show and Tell: Favourite toy. 

Core Concepts: Collecting simple data.

Link: Video on data collection from favourite toy

20. Collection of Simple Data

Description: A video on data collection methods. 

Core Concepts: What is data? and How to collect data.

Link: Data collection method

21. Collect and Organize Data and Interpret Data (Pictorially, in Chart Form)

Description: A video on collecting data using real objects. 

Core Concepts: Putting information in a pictograph.

Link: Video on making pictograph

Description: An online worksheet on organizing and interpreting data. Construct a graph within the given grid.

Core Concepts: Construct and comprehend graphs.

Link: Live worksheet on pictograph

Description: An online worksheet on collecting data using pictures. 

Core Concepts: Tallying picture and the number in graph.

Link: Online worksheet for tally graph

Description: A worksheet to record data collected and represent it using a graphing mat. A live worksheet on interpreting the data of how students come to school on Mondays

Core Concepts: Recording information and constructing graphs and interpret data.


22. Collect and Create Concrete Graphs

Description: The link demonstrates how to create graph with fruits. 

Core Concepts: Creating a graph, adding title for the graph and labeling the bars.


23. Concrete graph: (actual objects  and people graph)

Description: A video on plotting real graphs with objects. 

Core Concepts: How to create Vertical / horizontal graphs.


Description: The link is to check on the skills required for reading the graphs. 

Core Concepts: How to interpret data with the help of the questions.


Description: Worksheet to assess Data management skills and contents. 

Core Concepts: Check children’s understanding.

Link: Worksheet on data and probabilities


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