1. Data Analysis and Representation
Description: The weblinks provide information on how to use different functions and charts to analyse and visualise data using Excel. There are explanations on some of the common functions(countif, sumif, averageif, vlookup, etc.).
Core Concepts: Data Arrangement and Formatting.
2. Advanced Excel Functions for Data Analysis
Description: The weblinks provide information on some of the advanced Excel functions that can be used for data analysis.
Core Concepts: Advanced excel functions and data analysis.
3. Cloud Services
Description: The weblinks provide information on the definition of cloud services, types of cloud services (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, FaaS), benefits of cloud services, and how cloud services (private and public) are delivered.
Core Concepts: Cloud Services.
4. G Suite for Education
Description: The weblinks provide information on G Suite for Education and some of its apps (Sheets, Docs, Drive, Slides, Forms) that provide opportunity for online collaboration and learning.
Core Concepts: Collaboration using G Suite.
6. Copyright and Creative Commons
Description: The weblinks provide information on copyright and creative commons with examples. The online resources also contain the differences between copyright and creative commons.
Core Concepts: Copyright and Creative Commons.
7. Python Turtle
Description: The weblinks provide information on beginners' guide to Python Turtle. The tutorials cover drawing shapes, changing colors and pen size, and using loops to draw patterns in Python Turtle.
Core Concepts: Loops.
8. Functions in Python
Description: The weblinks provide information on functions, user-defined functions, return statements in function and recursive functions in Python programming.
Core Concepts: Functions.
9. Data Structures in Python
Description: The weblinks provide information on the meaning of data structure and its type such as list, tuple, set and dictionary.
Core Concepts: Data Structures.
10. Sample Python Projects
Description: The weblinks provide projects samples with codes for beginners to explore and derive ideas to develop Python projects.
Core Concepts: Major Project in Python.