1. Formatting Table in Word
Description: The weblinks provides information on adding and formatting tables in Word.
Core Concepts: Table formatting.
2. Page Formatting in Word
Description: The weblinks provide information on page formatting in Word. Link to Class VI textbook (REC Publication) on table formatting in Word is also provided for reference.
Core Concepts: Page formatting.
3. Introduction to Multimedia
Description: The weblinks explain on multimedia and its types.
Core Concepts: Multimedia and types.
4. Paint.NET
Description: The weblinks provide links to download Paint.NET and tutorials on image editing using the tool. Link to Class VII textbook (REC publication) on multimedia and image editing using Paint.NET is also provided for reference.
Core Concepts: Image editing.
5. Email
Description: The weblinks provide information on email service providers and how to manage an email account.
Core Concepts: Communication and collaboration - email.
6. Email Etiquettes
Description: The weblink contains some tips on email etiquettes while sending email. Link to Class VI & VII textbooks (REC publication) on email etiquette are also provided for reference.
Core Concepts: Email etiquettes.
7. Online Scratch Community
Description: The weblinks provide information on how to join the online Scratch community, create projects and share them with others.
Core Concepts: Participation in coding community.
8. Information Literacy
Description: The weblinks provide information on information literacy and ways to verify and evaluate online information.
Core Concepts: Credibility of online information.
9. Fake News
Description: The weblinks provide resources to identify fake news.
Core Concepts: Fake news.
10. Scratch Projects
Description: The weblinks provides information on how to create projects in Scratch.
Core Concepts: Scratch projects.
11. List Blocks
Description: The weblinks provide resources on how to use list blocks in Scratch.
Core Concepts: Lists.
12. Color and Video Sensing
Description: The weblinks contains video lessons on how to use color and video sensing in Scratch.
Core Concepts: Color and Video Sensing.