HPE - Class IV Resources

The following list of online resources are provided as a sample of curated resources. New resources shall be added as we come across interesting and relevant online materials.

1. Fundamental Movement Skills For Active Participation

Description: Fundamental movement, technical elements, and suggested activities.

Core Concepts: Fundamental movement skills and technical elements.

Link: PDF on Health and Physical Education Suggestive Activities-4

2. Respect for Diversity in Team

Description: Celebrating differences: Five lessons for teaching kids acceptance, and assessment guidelines.

Core Concepts: Respecting individual differences and assessment.

Link: Website on celebrating differences: Five lessons for teaching kids acceptance

Description: Teaching diversity: A Place to Begin.

Core Concepts: Differentiated teaching.

Link: Website on teaching diversity: A place to begin

Description: Assessment and recording in HPE.

Core Concepts: Assessment.

Link: PDF on Health and Physical Education Suggestive Activities-4

3. Safety for Active Participation

Description: The materials here contain way of safe exercise, how to stay physically active, with tips for warming up and cooling down.

Core Concepts: Safe exercise.

Link: Website on exercise safety

Description: Staying safe in physical activities.

Core Concepts: Safe and active participation.

Link: Website on staying safe during physical activity

Description: Tips for safe and healthy exercise.

Core Concepts: Safe and active participation

Link: Website on 5 tips for safe & healthy exercise

Description: The benefits of warming up and cooling down.

Core Concepts: Warming and cooling down


Description: Warming up and cooling down.

Core Concepts: Warming and cooling down.

Link: Video on warm up/cool down for kids on any surface

4. First Aid for Supporting Lives

Description: This video describes and takes you through First aid medical emergencies and ABCD approach.

Core Concepts: First aid.

Link: Video on medical emergencies in first aid

5. Wash for Heathy Living/Healthy Food Habits/ Impact of Substances on Healthy Growth

Description: The video clip contains WASH related diseases, critical juncture, menstrual cycle, and sanitation. It will also guide and help you to teach students the effects of smoking and alcohol.

Core Concepts: Wash related diseases, healthy food habits, menstrual cycle, and impact of substance abuse.

Link: Video on water, sanitation & hygiene during emergencies

Description: Critical junctures.

Core Concepts: Hand washing.

Link: Image on when to wash your hand

Description: Menstrual cycle.

Core Concepts: Menstrual cycle.

Link: Video on Your menstrual cycle & periods in 3 minutes

Description: Sanitary pads during emergency.

Core Concepts: Menstrual hygiene.

Link: Video on tips for period emergencies

Description: Proper use of sanitary pads.

Core Concepts: Menstrual hygiene.

Link: Video on how to use whisper pads/ feminine pads (part -1)

Description: Medical emergencies.

Core Concepts: Saving life.

Link: Video on medical emergencies in first aid

Description: Effects of smoking.

Core Concepts: Substance misuse.

Link: Image on temporary emotional side effects of stopping smoking

Description: Effects of alcohol.

Core Concepts: Substance misuse.

Link: Image on 6 ways binge drinking changes your body
