1. Difference Between Gaseous and Sedimentary Biogeochemical Cycles
Description: Contains the concept of gaseous and sedimentary cycles and its differences.
Core Concepts: Biogeochemical cycles.
Link: Webpage on difference between gaseous and sedimentary biogeochemical cycles
2. Biogeochemical Cycles
Description: Contains the concept of gaseous and sedimentary cycles from Khan Academy.
Core Concepts: Biogeochemical cycles.
3. Difference Between Gaseous and Sedimentary Biogeochemical Cycles
Description: Information on phosphorus and calcium sedimentary cycle.
Core Concepts: Biogeochemical cycles.
Link: Web page on difference between gaseous and sedimentary biogeochemical cycles
4. Nutrient Pollution
Description: Explanation about nutrient pollution.
Core Concepts: Biogeochemical cycles.
5. Carrying Capacity
Description: Contains concept of carrying capacity.
Core Concepts: Carrying capacity
6. Carrying Capacity
Description: Contains concept of carrying capacity.
Core Concepts: Carrying capacity.
7. Factors affecting the carrying capacity
Description: Contains description of factors affecting carrying capacity.
Core Concepts: Carrying capacity.
8. Ecological Carrying Capacity
Description: More information on carrying capacity.
Core Concepts: Carrying capacity
9. Carrying Capacity
Description: More information on carrying capacity.
Core Concepts: Carrying capacity.
10. Ecosystem Stability
Description: Contains information on ecosystem stability.
Core Concepts: Ecosystem stability
11. What is Ecosystem Stability
Description: Contains information on ecosystem stability.
Core Concepts: Ecosystem stability.
12. Food Chain Gizmos
Description: Contains information on ecosystem stability.
Core Concepts: Ecosystem stability.
Link: Webpage on food chain
13. Ecosystem Stability
Description: Contains how people consume natural resources or destroy nature and its impact.
Core Concepts: People and Resource Consumption.
14. Ecosystem Stability
Description: Natural resources or destroy nature and its impact.
Core Concepts: People and Resource Consumption.
15. Ecological Footprint Animation
Description: The video has sample on calculation of Ecological Footprint.
Core Concepts: Ecological Footprint.
16. Ecological Footprint Explained
Description: Contains explanation on ecological footprint.
Core Concepts: Ecological Footprint.
17. What is Ecological Footprint?
Description: Contains web based ecological footprint calculation.
Core Concepts: Ecological Footprint.
18. Reduce Your Ecological Footprint
Description: Contains relevant and applicable ways to reduce ecological footprint.
Core Concepts: Reduction of Ecological Footprint.
19. What is Natural Resource Depletion
Description: Contains concepts and other information about natural resource depletion.
Core Concepts: Natural Resource Degradation.
20. Types of Land Degradation in Bhutan
Description: Contains information of resource depletion and types of land degradation in Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Natural Resource Degradation
21. Carrying Capacity and Overshoot
Description: Contains graphical representation to explain overshoot.
Core Concepts: Carrying capacity of the earth.
22. Dust Bowl
Description: Contains information on how environmental degradation caused disaster.
Core Concepts: Environment health and disaster.
23. The Great Sparrow Campaign
Description: Contains information on how environmental degradation caused disaster.
Core Concepts: Environment health and disaster.
24. Dzongkhag Disaster Management Contingency Plan
Description: The link contains dzongkhag wise disaster risk management plan.
Core Concepts: Disaster risk management.
25. A Decade of Progress in Disaster Risk Management
Description: Information on disaster risk management and treaties.
Core Concepts: Disaster risk management.
26. Causes the Flash Floods in Chamoli
Description: Contains scenario of disaster.
Core Concepts: Disaster mitigation.
27. Greenhouse Effect Simulation
Description: Contains PhETs Greenhouse effect simulation video.
Core Concepts: Greenhouse effect.
28. Climate Change
Description: Contains information about climate change.
Core Concepts: Climate change.
29. New UN Climate Change Initiatives
Description: Contains information on initiatives on climate change.
Core Concepts: Initiatives on climate change.
30. Innovative Climate Action Initiative from Swedish Firm Welcomed by UNFCCC
Description: Initiatives on climate change.
Core Concepts: Ecological Footprint.
Link: Innovative climate action initiatives from Swedish Firm Welcomed by UNFCCC
31. Phenology and Climate Change: Changing Natures Clock
Description: Contains information on Phenology and factors affecting Phenology.
Core Concepts: Phenology.
32. Quadrat Sampling
Description: Contains information on calculation based on quadrat sampling.
Core Concepts: Chapter 7: Biodiversity and its Conservation, Biodiversity.
Link: Video demo on using quadrats to study grassland ecology
33. Simpson’s Diversity Index
Description: Contains information on Simpson’s Diversity Index.
Core Concepts: Biodiversity.
34. Bhutan Biodiversity Information
Description: Contains 551 species listed for Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Biodiversity inventory.
35. Conservation in Bhutan: Journey of Bhutanese Foresters
Description: Foresters setting up camera traps in Remote Mountains of Bhutan to measure Unique Biological Diversity.
Core Concepts: Biodiversity conservation in Bhutan.
Link: Conservation in Bhutan: Journey of Bhutanese foresters
36. Bulli Community: Guardians of Conservation
Description: The video is about restricted access to Lake and Forests (Tsho Dham and Ri Dham) and ecosystem services provided by nature in Bulli, central Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Biodiversity conservation in Bhutan.
37. Web Based Google Earth
Description: Web Based Google Earth services provided by nature in Bulli, central Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Chapter 8: Land Use and Management, Land use pattern.
Link: Website on google earth
38. Introduction to Waste
Description: Contains what is waste, source of waste and ways of waste classification services provided by nature in Bulli, central Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Wastes.
39. TrashTag Challenge going Viral in Bhutan
Description: Contains insights that motivate youth to participate in trash collection challenge.
Core Concepts: Wastes.
40. The Waste Hierarchy Explained
Description: Contains information on waste management hierarchy.
Core Concepts: Waste Management.
41. Renewables Readiness Assessment: Kingdom of Bhutan
Description: Contains information on a set of recommended actions to help Bhutan move towards a more diversified energy system through accelerated development of renewable energy resources.
Core Concepts: Chapter 9: Energy Resources, Energy sources.
42. The developing of Hydropower Creates New Opportunities and Economic Growth in Bhutan
Description: History of Electricity in Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Energy sources.
Link: The developing of hydropower create new opportunities and economic growth in Bhutan
43. Energy Efficiency Improvements Among Industries
Description: Contains energy efficiency improvements among industries.
Core Concepts: Conservation of Energy.
Link: Energy efficiency improvements among industries in Bhutan
44. National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy
Description: Contains information on National energy efficiency and conservation policy.
Core Concepts: Conservation of Energy.
Link: PDF on National energy efficiency and conservation policy
45. What’s Good and What’s Bad about Hydropower?
Description: Describes advantages and disadvantages of Hydropower.
Core Concepts: Conservation of Energy.
Link: Webpage on what’s good and what’s bad about hydropower?
46. What is Sustainable Development?
Description: Contains information on sustainable development, SDGs.
Core Concepts: Chapter 10: Environment and Development, Sustainable Development.
47. Two Minutes to Understand Sustainable Development
Description: Explanation on responsible consumption and production.
Core Concepts: Sustainable Development.
48. Sustainable Development Goals
Description: Links to SDGs.
Core Concepts: Sustainable Development.
49. SDG 12 - Explaining Responsible Consumption and Production
Description: Video on responsible consumption and production.
Core Concepts: Sustainable Development.
Link: SDG 12: explaining responsible consumption and production
50. Group of Experts Boosts Sustainable Development in Bhutan
Description: Contains information on initiatives towards sustainable development.
Core Concepts: Sustainable Development Initiatives in Bhutan.
51. Initiatives to Achieve SDGs
Description: Contains information on initiatives to achieve SDGs.
Core Concepts: Sustainable Development Initiatives in Bhutan.
Link: Webpage on Initiatives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
52. Sustainable Development Goals: 17 Ways to act
Description: Explanation on SDGs.
Core Concepts: Sustainable Development Initiatives in Bhutan.
53. How Can We Make the World a Better Place by 2030
Description: Contains information on initiatives towards sustainable development.
Core Concepts: Sustainable Development Initiatives in Bhutan.