1. Greetings and Courtesies- Strand A (Listening and Speaking)
Description: The link contains video on words of greetings and courtesies, some good habits and manners, and learning how to introduce ourselves and ask permission.
Core Concepts: Vocabulary related to greetings and courtesies, good habits and manners, self-Introduction, asking permission.
2. Classroom Instructions
Description: The link contains video showing basic classroom instructions.
Core Concepts: Classroom instructions (come in, sit down, stand up, open/close your books, turn to page…, look at the white board, pack your bags, clean the board, be quiet, go out, read, listen, repeat, write).
3. Phonemic Awareness Part 1– Class PP
Description: The Video take learners through the first 18 alphabetical sounds. There is blending and segmenting demonstration using the 18 sounds.
Core Concepts: Alphabet and their sounds, and phonemic awareness (CVC words)
4. Phonemic Awareness Part 2– Class PP
Description: Video revises the 18 sounds learnt in part 1 and shows the rest of the 8 sounds of the alphabet. Some more blending and segmenting is explained with sounds learnt. Short texts are read using the blending skills.
Core Concepts: Alphabet and their sounds, and phonemic awareness (CVC words).
5. Weather
Description: Introduces and describes the different kinds of weather.
Core Concepts: Conversation on familiar topics like weather.
Link: Video on weather
6. I Like, I don’t Like
Description: Video demonstrates the usage of like and don’t like.
Core Concepts: Conversation on what they like and don’t like.
7. Phonemic Awareness Part 1- Class PP- Strand B(Reading and Literature)
Description: Video exposes learners to 18 alphabet sounds. There is blending and segmenting demonstration using the 18 sounds.
Core Concepts: Alphabet and their sounds, Phonemic Awareness (CVC words).
8. Phonemic Awareness Part 2- Class PP
Description: The Video given revises the 18 sounds learnt in part 1 and shows the rest of the 8 sounds of the alphabet. Some more blending and segmenting is explained with sounds learnt. Short texts are read using the blending skills.
Core Concepts: Alphabet and their sounds, Phonemic Awareness (CVC words).
9. Phonemic Awareness Part 2- Class I
Description: Demonstrates sounds /sh/, /ch/, /qu/, /ee/, /oo/, /ck/, /wh/, /ai/, /ay/, /oy/, /oi/, /er/, /ar/, /th/, /ing/.
Core Concepts: Use idea of blending to read new words.
10. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Description: The video teaches rhyming words from the song/rhyme and rhyming words at home.
Core Concepts: Learn rhyming words such as: Star - are, High – sky, Cat – mat – rat - fat.
Link: Video on rhyming words
11. Ten Little Fingers
Description: The video demonstrates how to sing "ten little fingers" rhyme song.
Core Concepts: Sing and identify rhyming words from the rhyme.
12. Phonemic Awareness Part 1- Class PP- Strand C (Writing)
Description: Video exposes learners to 18 alphabet sounds. There is blending and segmenting demonstration using the 18 sounds.
Core Concepts: Alphabet and their sounds, Phonemic Awareness (CVC words).
13. Phonemic Awareness Part 1- Class PP
Description: Video exposes learners to 18 alphabet sounds. There is blending and segmenting demonstration using the 18 sounds.
Core Concepts: Alphabet and their sounds, Phonemic Awareness (CVC words).
14. Letter Formation – Lowercase
Description: Video demonstrates how to hold a pencil, some prewriting and writing all the lower-case letters.
Core Concept: Appropriate writing posture, Alphabet (lower-case).
15. Letter Formation –Uppercase
Description: Video demonstrates how to write all the upper-case letters.
Core Concept: Appropriate writing posture and alphabet (lower-case).
16. Punctuation
Description: The video demonstrates use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and comma.
Core Concept: Use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and comma.
Link: Video on punctuation
17. Phonemic Awareness Part 1 (Class PP)
Description: Video exposes learners to 18 alphabet sounds. There is blending and segmenting demonstration using the 18 sounds.
Core Concept: Alphabet and their sounds, phonemic awareness (CVC words).
18. Letter Formation – Lowercase
Description: Video demonstrates how to hold a pencil, some prewriting and write all the lower-case letters.
Core Concept: Appropriate writing posture, and alphabet (lower-case).
19. My School and Classroom Objects- Strand D (Language and Grammar)
Description: The video Introduces to the names of places in the school and the classroom objects.
Core Concept: Names of places in the school, and classroom objects.
20. Animals and their Homes
Description: The video shows different types of animals, their names, habitat, their babies and sounds. There is also a brief description of the national animal (takin).
Core Concept: Names of animals and the places they live in.
21. Introducing Words - this, these, that, those
Description: Video introduces the demonstrative pronouns and explains their usage.
Core Concept: Use demonstrative pronouns – this, these, that, those in their listening & speaking and writing correctly.
22. Preposition
Description: Video explains prepositions (in, on, under) in the first video. In the second video the prepositions (beside, behind, in front of) are explained.
Core Concept: Use preposition in, on, under, beside, behind and in front of correctly.
23. Question Words
Description: The video demonstrates use of question words.
Core Concept: Use questions words (what, who, when, where, why) in speaking and writing.
Link: Video on question words
24. My School and Classroom Objects
Description: Introduction to names of places in the school and the classroom objects.
Core Concept: Introduction to names of places in the school and the classroom objects.