Economics - Class X Resources

The following list of online resources are provided as a sample of curated resources. New resources shall be added as we come across interesting and relevant online materials.

1. Valuing the Dignity of Work

Description: An essay on dignity of labour.

Core Concepts: Dignity of labour.

Link: Webpage on valuing the dignity of work

2. 120 Workshops Squeeze in Space Meant for 31 at Olarongchhu

Description: Kuensel excerpt dated Jan 6, 2020 for case study.

Core Concepts: Rent.

Link: Media coverage on workshop area running out of space 

3. High Real Estate Prices in Thimphu Despite COVID-19 Impact and Sluggish Demand

Description: The Bhutanese excerpt for cause study.

Core Concepts: Rent.

Link: Media coverage on high real estate prices in Thimphu

4. Difference Between Saving and Investment

Description: Differentiates saving from investment.

Core Concepts: Difference between saving and investment.

Link: Webpage on saving and investment

5. Determination of Rate of Interest

Description: Explanation of the determination of interest rate with the help of diagram.

Core Concepts: Determination of interest rate.

Link: Webpage on determination of rate of interest

6. Simple and Compound Interest

Description: Differentiates simple and compound interest and shows calculation with the help of numerical examples.

Core Concepts: Simple and compound interest.

Link: Webpage on simple and compound interest

7. How to Ask Good Survey Questions?

Description: Explains how to ask survey questions.

Core Concepts: Survey questions.

Link: Video on how to ask good survey questions

8. Phone Interview Tips

Description: Explains how to conduct phone interview.

Core Concepts: Survey interview.

Link: Video on phone interview tips

9. Profit Drivers

Description: Explains the meaning of profit and how to calculate it from cost and revenue.

Core Concepts: Profit, cost and revenue.

Link: Webpage on profit drivers

10. The Effects of Palm Oil

Description: Paper from Organgutan foundation international highlighting business ethics.

Core Concepts: Business ethics.

Link: Webpage on effects of palm oil

11. Tourism Industry Suffers Loss of US$ 2.2mn Due to COVID-19

Description: Business Bhutan excerpt dated March 11,2021 explaining vulnerability of Bhutanese economy.

Core Concepts: Challenges of Bhutanese economy.

Link: Media coverage on tourism industry suffering loss

12. What Happened When a Tiny Nation Got Filthy Rich Overnight

Description: Example of vulnerability of an economy for relying on a single source of income.

Core Concepts: Challenges of Bhutanese economy.

Link: Video on what happened when a tiny nation got filthy rich overnight

13. The Public and Private Sectors in Bhutan

Description: An essay on public and private sector in Bhutan.

Core Concepts: Private and public sectors.

Link: Webpage on public and private sectors in Bhutan

14. Concept of Consumption, Saving and Investment

Description: Explanation of the concepts of consumption , saving and investment and their interrelationship.

Core Concepts: Concept of consumption, saving and investment.

Link: Webpage on concept of consumption, saving and investment

15. Public Revenue- Types of Public Revenue

Description: Comprehensive explanation of tax and non tax revenue.

Core Concepts: Tax and non tax revenue.

Link: Video on types of public revenue

16. MoF Annual Report

Description: Contains the public revenue from differences.

Core Concepts: Public revenue.

Link: Webpage on MoF annual report

17. Hydro Revenue Cannot Assure Self-Reliance

Description: Contains the importance of the need to diversify economic activities.

Core Concepts: Public expenditure.

Link: Media coverage on hydro revenue cannot assure self-reliance

18. Public Expenditure

Description: Explains different types of public expenditure and its effects on production, investment and distribution of wealth.

Core Concepts: Public expenditure.

Link: Video on public expenditure

19. Annual RMA Report

Description: Contains the pattern of public expenditure.

Core Concepts: Public expenditure.

Link: Webpage on RMA report

20. State of the Nation

Description: Contains the pattern of public expenditure.

Core Concepts: Public expenditure.

Link: PDF on state of the nation

21. How to Make a Budget and Save Money

Description: Explain how to prepare budget for personal activity and safe money.

Core Concepts: Budget.

Link: Video on how to make a budget and save money

22. The Importance of Budgeting

Description: Explain how to prepare budget for personal activity and safe money.

Core Concepts: Budget.

Link: Video on how to make a budget and save money

23. National Budget- 2020-2021

Description: National Budget budget for the financial 2020 to 2021.

Core Concepts: Budget.

Link: PDF on national budget

24. Budget Increases by 14 Percent Amid Fall in Domestic Revenue

Description: Kuensel excerpt dated June 2, 2020 showing the challenges of budget.

Core Concepts: Budget.

Link: Media coverage on amid fall in domestic revenue

25. Goods and Services

Description: Explains the meaning and classification of goods and services.

Core Concepts: Goods and services.

Link: Webpage on good and services

26. Difference Between Final and Intermediate Goods

Description: Brief distinction between final and intermediate goods.

Core Concepts: Difference between final and intermediate goods.

Link: Webpage on final and intermediate goods

27. Public Goods

Description: An essay on public goods.

Core Concepts: Public Goods.

Link: Webpage on public goods

28. National Income Accounting

Description: Explanation of two sector model of circular Flow of Income.

Core Concepts: Circular flow of income.

Link: Video on national income accounting

29. Economic Growth Vs Economic Development

Description: Head to head comparison between economic development and Economic growth.

Core Concepts: Difference between economic development and Economic growth.

Link: Webpage on economic growth and economic development

30. GDP Vs GNP

Description: Explains the meaning and comparison of GDP and GNP.

Core Concepts: Difference between GDP and GNP.

Link: Video on GDP vs GNP

31. What is Driving the Economy?

Description: Kuensel excerpt on current situation economic progress in Bhutan.

Core Concepts: Economic growth.

Link: Media coverage on what is driving the economy

32. What is Unemployment?

Description: Explanation of the meaning, types and effects of unemployment.

Core Concepts: Unemployment.

Link: Webpage on unemployment

33. Current Account

Description: Meaning of Current account (BoP) with its types and factors on Investopedia.

Core Concepts: Current account.

Link: Webpage on current account

34. Income Inequality

Description: Meaning and impacts of income inequality on Investopedia.

Core Concepts: Income inequality.

Link: Webpage on income inequality

35. Human Development Index

Description: Meaning, measurement and limitations of human development index on Investopedia.

Core Concepts: Human development index.

Link: Webpage on human development index

36. What is GNH?

Description: Explanation of the concept of GNH by Centre for Bhutan Studies.

Core Concepts: GNH.

Link: Webpage on GNH

37. What is “Gross National Happiness”?

Description: Explanation the concept of GNH in simple animated video.

Core Concepts: GNH.

Link: Video on Gross National Happiness

38. Towards a Developed GNH Country

Description: Article on how Bhutan is progressing towards a developed GNH country by RIGSS.

Core Concepts: GNH.

Link: Blog on Gross National Happiness

39. Up to Speed with UNDP Bhutan

Description: Up to speed with UNDP Bhutan.

Core Concepts: GNH.

Link: Podcast on up to speed with UNDP Bhutan

40. Twelfth Five Year Plan

Description: Twelfth Five year Plan 2018-23.

Core Concepts: GNH.

Link: Webpage on twelfth five year plan

41. Bhutan Millennium Development Goals

Description: Bhutan millennium development goals 206-15.

Core Concepts: GNH.

Link: PDF on Bhutan millennium development goals

43. Balance of Trade Vs Balance of Payment

Description: Detailed explanation of the difference between the BoT and BoP.

Core Concepts: Difference between the BoT and BoP.

Link: Video on balance of trade vs balance of payment

44. Balance of Payments Disequilibrium - Causes and consequences

Description: Explanation of the causes and consequences of disequilibrium of balance of payment.

Core Concepts: Causes and consequences of deficit balance of payment.

Link: Video on balance of payment disequilibrium

45. MoEA

Description: Explanation of the causes and consequences of disequilibrium of balance of payment.

Core Concepts: Causes and consequences of deficit balance of payment.

Link: Webpage on causes and consequences of disequilibrium

46. National Statistics Bureau website

Description: National Statistics Bureau on Disequilibrium BoP.

Core Concepts: Disequilibrium in BoP.

Link: Webpage on statistical yearbook

47. Bhutan Trade Statistics

Description: Bhutan Trade Statistics 2019.

Core Concepts: Disequilibrium in BoP.

Link: PDF on Bhutan trade statistics 2019

48. Currency Exchange Introduction

Description: Numerical examples on currency conversion.

Core Concepts: Exchange rates.


49. Free Trade

Description: Explanation of free trade and its pros and cons.

Core Concepts: Free trade.

Link: Video on free trade

50. Protectionism

Description: Animated video explaining protectionism.

Core Concepts: Protectionism.

Link: Video on protectionism

51. Free Trade and Protectionism

Description: Detailed explanation of comprehensive differentiation between free trade and protectionism.

Core Concepts: Difference between free trade and protectionism.

Link: Video on free trade and protectionism

52. Arguments Against Protectionism

Description: Comprehensive arguments against protectionism.

Core Concepts: Disadvantages of protectionism.


53. Free Trade: Advantages and Disadvantages

Description: Explains an advantages and disadvantage of free trade.

Core Concepts: Advantages and disadvantages of free trade.

Link: Webpage on advantages and disadvantages of free trade

54. Problems in South Asia Free Trade Area

Description: An essay on problems in South Asia free trade area.

Core Concepts: SAFTA.

Link: Webpage on problems in South Asia free trade

55. SAARC vs BIMSTEC: The Search for the Ideal Platform for Regional Cooperation

Description: Article on SAARC vs BIMSTEC: The search for the ideal platform for regional cooperation.

Core Concepts: SAARC vs BIMSTEC.

Link: Webpage on the ideal platform for regional cooperation

56. Some Issues Raised

Description: Article on the issues of WTO.

Core Concepts: WTO.

Link: Webpage on issues raised on WTO

57. Advantages and Disadvantages of WTO

Description: Explains the advantages and disadvantages of WTO.

Core Concepts: WTO.

Link: Webpage on advantages and disadvantages of WTO

58. Promoting Transport Connectivity in South Asia: A BIMSTEC Perspective

Description: PPT on the issues of BIMSTEC.

Core Concepts: BIMSTEC.

Link: PDF on promoting transport connectivity in Southern Asia
