1. Objectives of Business
Description: The link offers insights into the objectives of business.
Core Concepts: Economic, human, organisational, micro level and national level objectives of business.
2. Factors that Influence the Business Objectives
Description: A video explanation on the objectives and the factors that influence the business objectives.
Core Concepts: Survival, growth, Profit, shareholder objectives, sales, employee satisfaction, market share, customer satisfaction, liquidity and cost reduction, social objectives.
3. Classification of Business
Description: Cambridge IGCSE business studies.
Core Concepts: Provides understanding of the business and its classification.
4. Classification of Business Based on Industry and Commerce
Description: A video tutorial on the classification of business activities.
Core Concepts: Classification based on industry and commerce.
5. Aids to Trade
Description: The various aids to trade that facilitate trade by removing barriers in the exchange of goods and services.
Core Concepts: Transportation, insurance, warehousing, banking, advertising, and communication.
Link: Webpage on aids to trade
6. Meaning and Types of E-Commerce Models
Description: The article and the video link describe the classes of e-commerce business models and their advantages and disadvantages.
Core Concepts: B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C.
7. Outsourcing
Description: Outsourcing.
Core Concepts: Meaning, benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing.
8. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
Description: Business process outsourcing (BPO).
Core Concepts: Advantages and disadvantages of BPO.
9. Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)
Description: Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO).
Core Concepts: Advantages and disadvantages of KPO.
10. Ethical Business Practices and Social Responsibilities
Description: Business ethics: corporate social responsibility.
Core Concepts: Corporate social responsibility.
11. Meaning and Importance of Supply Chain
Description: The links provides understanding on the concept of supply chain, its process, and the importance.
Core Concepts: Meaning, stages of supply chain, goals, and importance.
12. Supply Chain Management
Description: Introduction to supply chain management.
Core Concepts: Basic supply chain for a product, the strategies, the flow in supply chain.
13. Supply Chain of Coca Cola Company
Description: Supply chain of Coca Cola.
Core Concepts: The process involved in manufacturing and distribution of coke.
14. Inventory Management
Description: The basis of inventory management.
Core Concepts: The effects of inventory management on the financial statement of the company.
15. Approaches to Inventory Management
Description: Inventory management approaches.
Core Concepts: 18 techniques of inventory management.
16. Types of Inventory, Inventory Analysis and Accounting
Description: A complete guide to inventory management.
Core Concepts: Types of inventory, inventory analysis and accounting.
17. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
Description: Economic order quantity.
Core Concepts: Calculations with examples.
18. Just in Time (JIT)
Description: Just in time approach.
Core Concepts: Concept of just in time (JIT) and examples.
19. First-In, First-Out (FIFO)
Description: First-In, First-out (FIFO).
Core Concepts: Meaning of examples.
20. Meaning and Types of Business Model
Description: Developing business model.
Core Concepts: Meaning, essential components and types of business model.
21. Business Model Canvas (BMC)
Description: Examples of business model canvas.
Core Concepts: Visualizing BMC, BMC of Uber, Tik Tok, Netflix.
22. Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Description: Introduction to entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Core Concepts: Entrepreneurship ecosystem.
23. Creating and Capturing Value in Your Business Ecosystems
Description: Building entrepreneurial ecosystem, stakeholders of the ecosystem.
Core Concepts: Creating and capturing value in Business ecosystem.
Link: Video on creating and capturing value in your business ecosystem
24. Mendelow’s Matrix
Description: Mendelow’s matrix of stakeholder management.
Core Concepts: Managing stakeholders.
25. Stakeholder Engagement: Five-step Process
Description: Stakeholder engagement is a key discipline within project management. The video describes a simple and powerful five-step process.
Core Concepts: 5 steps of stakeholder engagement process.
26. Consumer Protection Act of Bhutan
Description: Consumer protection act of Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Consumer protection.
27. The Basics of Consumer Protection
Description: The basics of consumer protections.
Core Concepts: Consumer protection.
28. The Overview of the Office of Consumer Protection of Bhutan
Description: The overview of the office of consumer protection of Bhutan.
Core Concepts: Consumer protection.
29. Types of Business Organizations
Description: The video covers advantages and disadvantages of the three most common types of business organization: The Sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation.
Core Concepts: Sole proprietorship, partnership and joint stock companies/ corporations.
30. Companies Act of Kingdom of Bhutan 2000
Description: Companies Act of Kingdom of Bhutan 2000 organization: The Sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation.
Core Concepts: Companies act.
31. Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
Description: MNCs effects on host government and countries.
Core Concepts: MNC.
32. Startup Meaning and Types
Description: Meaning and concepts of Startups.
Core Concepts: Startup.
33. Ten Entrepreneurial Competencies
Description: Entrepreneurial competencies for successful entrepreneur.
Core Concepts: 10 entrepreneurial competencies.
34. Importance of Management to a Modern Business
Description: The link (1 & 2) provides concept on the importance of management in a modern business. This resource supplements the learning activity 7.2.
Core Concepts: Management.
35. The Basics of Management
Description: This YouTube video covers vision, mission, objectives, values and culture of the organization.
Core Concepts: Management.
36. Importance of Human Resource Management
Description: The video describes the importance of human resource management.
Core Concepts: Vision, mission and objectives of an organisation.
37. HRM Key Concepts
Description: The video describes different components of human resource management.
Core Concepts: Components of HRM.
38. Risk Management: Literature Review
Description: This journal article may be used as a reference by teacher/learners to understand more about risk management, types of risks and give some examples of companies suffered losses due to risk. Refer page 288-291.
Core Concepts: Risk management, types of risk, examples of companies suffered losses.
39. Risk Management Basics
Description: The videos (URL 2 &3) cover the basics of risk management.
Core Concepts: Risk and risk management.
40. Risk Matrix
Description: The video describes the principles of internal control..
Core Concepts: Internal control.
41. Principles of Internal Control
Description: This video explains the concept of risk and risk matrix.
Core Concepts: Internal control.
42. 5 Components of International Control
Description: This video explains the 5 components identified by COSO.
Core Concepts: Internal control.
43. Equity vs Debt
Description: The video describes the difference between equity vs debt.
Core Concepts: Capital, equity, debt, stocks, bonds, and assets.
44. Capital Structure of a Business
Description: The video describes the capital structure.
Core Concepts: Capital structure, and debt & equity.
45. Primary vs Secondary Market
Description: Primary markets and secondary market explained.
Core Concepts: Primary market and secondary market, IPO, Securities, bonds, and shares etc.
46. Difference between Primary and Secondary Market
Description: The video explains the concept of primary market, secondary market and IPO.
Core Concepts: Primary market, secondary market, IPO and financial intermediaries.
Link: Video on differences between primary and secondary market
47. What are Money Markets?
Description: The video describes money market.
Core Concepts: Money market, capital market, treasury bills, and certificate of deposit.
48. What do Central Banks do?
Description: The video explains the roles and functions of central bank.
Core Concepts: Functions of central bank.
49. Project Costing
Description: The video provides the brief description of the project cost estimate. The video describes the financial projection for startup (theory).
Core Concepts: Project cost financial projection, balance sheet, cash flow etc.
50. Breakeven Point
Description: The videos explain the Break-even Point with graph and calculation.
Core Concepts: Break-even point, profit, loss, sales volume, and cost per unit .
51. Payback Period
Description: The video explains how Payback period is calculated.
Core Concepts: Payback period.
52. Net Present Value
Description: The video explains the calculation of net present value.
Core Concepts: PNet present value.
53. How to Calculate the Return on Investment
Description: Calculation of ROI (watch till 2:25 minutes). If the learners want to know more about other examples, the video may be watched further.
Core Concepts: Return on investment, cost, and profit.
54. Marketing
Description: The video describes the marketing concept with examples of firms..
Core Concepts: Marketing concept.
55. Promotion Mix
Description: The video describes promotion mix.
Core Concepts: Promotion mix.
Link: Video on promotion mix
56. Online Marketing vs Traditional Marketing
Description: The video describes the differences between online and traditional marketing.
Core Concepts: Traditional marketing, and online marketing(modern).
57. Digital Marketing
Description: Describes about digital marketing.
Core Concepts: Digital/online marketing.
58. Market Research
Description: The videos explain about the concept of market research and its importance.
Core Concepts: Market research.
59. What is Communication?
Description: The YouTube video describes the meaning of communication.
Core Concepts: Communication, and types of communication.
60. 5 Tips to Overcome Barriers to Communication
Description: The video describes the ways to overcome the barriers of communication.
Core Concepts: Barriers to effective communication, communication skills.
61. Business Etiquette
Description: The video describes the basics of business etiquette.
Core Concepts: Business etiquette.
62. What is Negotiation?
Description: The video provides brief discussion about negotiation.
Core Concepts: Meaning of negotiation.
Link: Video on negotiation
63. Negotiation Techniques
Description: Describes negotiation techniques.
Core Concepts: Negotiation techniques.
64. Core Principles of Negotiation
Description: The video discusses the important principles of negotiation.
Core Concepts: Principle/traits of negotiation.
65. Effective Cross-Cultural Communication
Description: The video describes the cultural differences in negotiations and conflicts.
Core Concepts: Negotiation.