Biology - Class XI Resources

The following list of online resources are provided as a sample of curated resources. New resources shall be added as we come across interesting and relevant online materials.

1. Biological Molecules

Description: Video, webpages, or online articles that explain carbohydrates, proteins, and fats (oils) as the bio-molecules or biological molecules of the living organisms composed of several units of monomers or building blocks (sugars, amino acids, alcohol and fatty acids respectively).

Core Concepts: The biological molecules found in the living organisms.


2. Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins

Description: Webpage, online piece, or journal articles with explanation on the structural conformation of proteins, forces that trigger native state or 3D conformation(structure) of proteins; and denaturation of proteins. 

Core Concepts: 3D conformation of proteins. 


3. Three-Dimensional Structure (conformation) and Function of Proteins

Description: Webpage, online piece, or journal articles with the explanation on how three-dimensional structure of proteins are adapted to carry out their specific biological processes or functions (e.g., the structure of  hemoglobin is adapted to carry oxygen). 

Core Concepts: 3D conformation of proteins and their corresponding biological processes or functions. 


4. What are Bioplastics?

Description: Online article (online piece) that provides scientific explanation of bioplastic largely in terms of types of materials used for producing bioplastics and its corresponding advantages from the light of environmental concerns.

Core Concepts: Bioplastics as a product of bio-molecules (one of the examples of biomimicry or nature inspired innovation). 

Link: Online article or online piece on bioplastics

5. The Structure and Function of DNA

Description: Webpages or online pieces that provide scientific explanation on how the structural conformation of DNA molecule (genetic code or sequence of codons-DNA letter languages) is precisely adapted to carry out biological role in storing information to build an organism or proteins.  

Core Concepts: The structure of DNA and its corresponding function. 


6.  Enzyme-substrate Complex Formation

Description: Webpages, videos, or online pieces with the scientific explanation how enzymes catalyze or enhance the rate of reactions by forming enzyme-substrate complex formation (binding of enzymes with specific substrates). 

Core Concepts: Enzymes. 


7. Bioremediation Capacity of Enzymes

Description: Journal article that explains how enzymes (extracts from yeast (fungi), bacteria, etc.) are used as means of detoxifying or removing stains, toxins, waste materials, etc. 

Core Concepts: Enzymes in the act of bio-remediation. 

Link: Journal article on the use of enzymes in various fields of bio-remediation 

8. Gas Exchange

Description: Webpage or online piece that describes the mechanisms of gaseous exchange (external, internal and cellular respiration) that occur in the human body. 

Core Concepts: Physiology of the gaseous exchange that occur in the human body . 

Link: Webpage on the gaseous exchange

9. Human Heart

Description: Webpage or online piece that provides an account on the physiology of the human heart (morphological and anatomical structures with corresponding functions).

Core Concepts: The physiology of human heart.

Link: Webpage on the physiology of the human heart

10. Cardiac Cycle

Description: Webpage or online piece that explains the sequence of events that take place during cardiac cycle.

Core Concepts: Events during cardiac cycle.

Link: Webpage on cardiac cycle

11. Blood Types Testing

Description: Webpage or online piece that describes ABO or Rh blood types based on antigens and antibodies, ABO and Rh incompatibilities, and their corresponding implications.

Core Concepts: ABO and Rh blood typing. 

Link: Webpage on blood type testing

12. Homeostasis and Feedback Mechanism

Description: Video that explains how organisms maintain homeostasis in various conditions through positive and negative feedback mechanisms.

Core Concepts: Homeostasis.

Link: Video on homeostasis and feedback

13. The Endocrine Glands and Hormones

Description: Webpage or online piece that describes the roles of hormone secreted by various endocrine glands of human endocrine system.

Core Concepts: Roles of hormones.

Link: Webpage on endocrine glands and hormones

14. Hormones or Mechanisms of Hormone Action

Description: Webpages or online pieces that give scientific explanation on how hormones carry out their action by binding with their specific receptors of the target cells. 

Core Concepts: Hormone action.


15. Anatomy of the Brain and the Spinal Cord

Description: Webpages or online articles that provides scientific explanation on the morphology and anatomical structures of brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) with corresponding functions aided with illustration or visual models (diagrams). 

Core Concepts: Morphological and anatomical structures of brain and spinal cord. 


16. How does the Nervous System help us respond?

Description: Online piece that explains the mechanism or physiological process by which nervous system, especially sensory receptors, central nervous system and the associated nerves, and effectors bring about response and coordination in response to various external or internal stimuli.

Core Concepts: Nervous coordination. 

Link: Webpage on how does the nervous system help us respond? (pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..)

17. What are the Three Lines of Defense?

Description: Webpage or online piece that provides scientific explanation accounting how our body is protected from diseases or pathogens by our three lines of defenses (physical barrier, non-specific response, and specific response).

Core Concepts: Human body defense.

Link: Webpage on three lines of human body defense

18.  White Blood Cells T-cells and B-cells ( Cells of the immune system )

Description: Video that explains how  T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes function to provide immunity against specific pathogens.

Core Concepts: Defensive mechanism by T and B-lymphocytes.

Link: Video on T and B-lymphocytes

19. Absorption of Water

Description: Article that explains how water is absorbed by the roots of the plants based based on the nature of the water potential.

Core Concepts: Absorption of water by plants.

Link: PDF on absorption of water

20.  Water Uptake and Transport in Vascular Plants

Description: Webpage or online piece that explains how the suction force (transpiration pull or cohesion-tension)  generated in the leaves contribute to upward movement of water in plants. 

Core Concepts: Transportation of water in plants.

Link: Webpage on water uptake in plants

21. Plant Hormones

Description: Webpages or online pieces that provide scientific  information on how plant hormones regulate the growth and development of plants, including responses and movements against stimuli.  

Core Concepts: Roles of plant hormones.


22. Photoperiodism in Plants

Description: Articles, videos, or online piece that provides scientific accounts as how plants respond to the relative length of the day and night for growth and development, including transition to reproductive phase (flowering), and seed germination.

Core Concepts: Response of plants to the relative length of day and night.


23. Diversity, Taxonomic versus Functional

Description: Journal article that provides scientific explanation on species richness/diversity. 

Core Concepts: Species richness.

Link: Webpage (journal article) on diversity, taxonomic versus functional

24. Invasive Species, Invasive Species in Bhutan, and  Ecological Impacts of Invasive Species

Description: Webpages, technical reports, newspaper articles, and circular that offer special accounts on what are invasive and native species, invasive species of Bhutan, and ecological impacts of invasive species, etc. 

Core Concepts: Invasive species and their corresponding impacts.


25. Mitosis and Cell Division

Description: Webpages or online pieces that explain mitotic division (mitosis), stages of mitotic division with the behaviour of chromosomes, nucleus, and centrioles at each stage; and provide accounts on why body cells (e.g., nerve cells, liver cells, etc.) irrespective of the function contain same genetic composition.

Core Concepts: Mitosis as a biological process of growth, repair, replacement, and differentiation.


26. Meiosis

Description: Webpage or online piece that explains the stages of meiotic division with the behaviour of chromosomes, nucleus, and centriole at each stage; and provides scientific account why gametes or sex cells contain differing genetic information by certain degree.

Core Concepts: Meiosis as a means of producing gametes and as a source of variation.


27. Inheritance of Traits or Characters based on the Expression of Alleles

Description: Webpages or online pieces that explain patterns of inheritance of characters (human or other organism) based on the expression of alleles. 

Core Concepts: Patterns of inheritance of characters.


28. Inheritance of Sex-linked or X-linked Recessive Traits 

Description: Video and webpage that explain how sex-linked traits or diseases, such as colour blindness and haemophilia  are transmitted or inherited from one generation to another (cross-cross inheritance). 

Core Concepts: Patterns of inheritance of sex-linked traits.


29. Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

Description: Webpages or online pieces that explains Mendel’s laws of inheritance, and how characters or traits are inherited from generation to generation. 

Core Concepts: Patterns or laws of inheritance of characters.


30. Cloning, Types of Cloning, and Biological and Ethical Concerns of Cloning

Description: Journal articles, online pieces, or webpages that provide scientific description on types of cloning, process of cloning through somatic cell nuclear transfer technique and embryo splitting technique , and biological and ethical issues of cloning. 

Core Concepts: Cloning as a mean of the multiplication of organisms.


31. Genetic Engineering or Recombinant DNA Technology (rDNA Technology)

Description: Journal articles, webpages, video, online pieces that offer scientific insight onto how genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology (rDNA Technology) is carried out, applications of rDNA technology, and biological and ethical concerns of rDNA technology. 

Core Concepts: Manipulation of the genetic make-up/genotype/genome of the organism.


32. Variation between Individuals of Same Species 

Description: Journal articles, webpages, or online pieces that outlines the scientific accounts justifying the prevalence of variation amongst the individuals of the same species; or amongst the offspring derived from the same parents. 

Core Concepts: Sources of variation.


33. Introduction to Biological Classification (Taxonomy)

Description: Webpages or online pieces that explains biological classification (taxonomy), need of classification, and types of classification.

Core Concepts: Origin of diversity of life. 


34. Taxonomic Hierarchy

Description: Online piece that provides insight into the hierarchical orders of taxonomy or biological classification.

Core Concepts: Origin of diversity of life.

Link: Webpage on taxonomic hierarchy

35. Phylogenic Classification

Description: Webpage or online piece that informs on phylogenetic tree of life and on evolutionary history.

Core Concepts: Origin of diversity of life.

Link: Webpage on phylogenic tree of classification
